Build quality relationships and strengthen your family.
This last year has delivered unrest, fear, uncertainty, and other unpleasant experiences....much more than most of us were prepared to handle. When there is increased adversity, there is increased risk for us to fall into despair, and move through life in survival mode.
It's important as parents and caregivers, that we model healthy behavior when facing adversity.
The Empowered Family Project, we are focusing on relationships. Quality and positive relationships matter and play an important role in childhood development.
Every Friday throughout the month of April we will share a new activity that is simple, yet engaging for everyone!
Carve out time within your week to stop all of the hustle and bustle the busy parent life demands, and focus on each other. Together we can build a better tomorrow and impact the lives of our children by taking the time to pay attention, listen, and connect with them.
Activity #1; April 9th - Showing Love, Serving Each Other
Get the full introduction to The Empowered Family Project and all you need for Activity #1
Make sure you sign up to receive emails specifically designed for these activities by subscribing to The Empowered Family Project Newsletter that you can find on the
activity page!
Come back every Friday for your next activity!
We want you to SHARE! Post how you are intentionally engaging with your family and tag us and use #TheEmpoweredFamilyProject so we can spread joy and hope throughout our community as we build stronger families.
parenting is not about raising children who never make mistakes. It's about being a safe place for them when they do.